Wednesday, August 14, 2013

SMOOCH - Rehearsal Pics 8/10/13 Mode Music/Phrygian Studios Staten Island, New York

Our first gig accomplished the band begins the woodshedding process at our current home base Mode Music/Phrygian Studios on Staten Island using the orthodox method of running through the set then working on new material. We have added three new songs to the repertoire, The Klassic "Firehouse", Deep Kut "Parasite" and Alive ll favorite "Rocket Ride". Brian and Vlad were in-house for a Black Death rehearsal prior to us and Vlad snapped some photo's which I proceeded to pilfer from Carl and Sal's Facebook pages respectively, Would have gotten Brian's as well but he is anti-Facebook and frankly I could not fault him.

The "P" on Carl's cap stands for Paul,... O.K. maybe it doesn't but for this Blog's purposes it works.

Sal Ace's the lead guitar parts in these parts as part of the band.

Rock drummer's lead the band in their own way and it's imperative to hit the accents, signpost's and Marx to keep it all together.

And in the foreground the elusive Brian, Just yesterday after rehearsal we mentioned how for someone Not on the internet he is "All Over The Internet !!!", Well, we are certainly working on it. Brian has also bought me several Dr. Pepper's and bags of Dipsy Doodle's both within this project and without, Thanks Brian.

From examining this photo it looks like Sal is singing,... Oh never mind I can't read that small.

Thanks Very Much to Vlad "The Viz" Vizener for taking these photo's and hopefully not taking me into litigation for using them.

- Spike

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